Curiosity May Have Killed the Cat but It Also Births New Ideas - The History of the Blazer.
In the late 19th century the term blazer rises from blaze + er because of the original sense was that a thing that blazes or shines - which gives birth to the term of a brightly colored sporting jacket.
Blazer, Oxford Languages defines the blazer as a lightweight jacket, typically solid-colored, often worn as a part of a uniform by members of a club, sports team, or school. It is also defined as a plain jacket, typically dark blue, not forming part of a suit but considered appropriate for formal or semiformal wear.
You may not realize it but there is a distinguishing definition of a blazer and a jacket. All About the Jacket ,, is here to share with you information about and sell to you jackets that you will love to be seen in.
Curiosity may have killed the cat but it also gives birth to the new idea of the women's blazer. Want to learn more about the history of women's blazers? Check out this article by Lajquette A Brief History of Women Blazers.
All About The Jacket